Thursday, July 26, 2007

Being Worth your Weight in Gold

Song of the Day: "you should be honored by my lateness, that i would even show up to this fake sh*t" -Stronger by Kanye West (you gotta love a Kanye record, when you need confidence, he's the go to guy)

Quote of the Day: "It's going well..I woke up in quite the great mood for someone w/ a slight case of blue balls.." (this after I asked "how's your day?"

Newest Obsession: Getting a new body. I mean I want it all. The boobs, the butt, and the small waist..before 25

Random Thought: Why does tragedy make you wanna get your life together?

Lately I've been evaluating my life and the decisions I made. I pride myself on living a life with no regrets but every now and then I have to be real with myself and just go over my situation. Thats where I am right now. This move to New York has really opened my eyes in how much I need to learn and grow. Some people look at my life and think that I have it good. Of course people always think that the grass is greener on the other side. I am very fortunate for the experiences and the blessings in my life thus far, but right now is the real test. This is real life and this bitch aint a joke. Now is the time for me to show that im capable of swimming and not sinking.

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Waiting to Exhale

Song of the Day: Read a Book by ? "read a book read a mutha&^%# book!" -that shit is hiLARIOUS and whats EXTRA tragic is it might just be genius.

Newest Obession: Getting my life together. One day at a time.

Random: The Adobe Salad at Eatery is yummy

Todays blog is simple:

Quote of Day:

Grant me the serenity
to accept the things
I cannot change,
the courage to change
the things I can,
and the wisdom to
know the difference


Thursday, July 19, 2007

Guess Who's Bizzack?

Song of the day: You Pick (I don't know)

Quote of the day: "Don't let your particulars affect your familiars"- somebody got game

Newest Obsession: Getting it. Period.

Random: I want to go to Miami

Well. Im back. Being in this city makes me wanna get my Sarah Jessica Parker on. So far im loving it. I got the most official start in life history. One friend referred to me as a 'matchpoint bitch' (you have to see the movie)..I might call it favor. I mean six months equals 25..gotta get it tight and right.

Any updates:
other than moving..nothing

Today was just an introduction back into the blogging scene. Im getting back in the game
Hallelujah Hollaback...i love that!!

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Daughters by John Mayer

I know a girl
She puts the color inside of my world
She's just like a maze
Where all the walls all continually change
I've done all I can
To stand on the steps with my heart in my hand
Now I'm starting to see
Maybe it's got nothing to do with me

Fathers be good to your daughters
Daughters will love like you do
Girls become lovers, who turn into mothers
So mothers be good to your daughters too

Oh you see that skin
It's the same shes been standing in
Since the day she was him walking away
Now she's left
Cleaning up the mess he made

So fathers be good to your daughters
Daughters will love like you do
Girls become lovers, who turn into mothers
So mothers be good to your daughters too

Boys you can break
You'll find out how much they can take
Boys will be strong
nd boys soilder on
But boys would be gone without warmth for a womans good, good heart

On behalf of every man, looking out for every girl
You are the god, and you are the weight of the world

On behalf of every man, looking out for every girl
You are the god and the weight of the world

So fathers be good to your daughters
Daughters will love like you do
Girls become lovers, who turn into mothers
So mothers be good to your daughters too

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

It's Been a Long Time

Song of the Day: 'spit yo game, talk yo shit, grab yo gat, call yo clique/squeeze yo clip, hit the right one/ pass that weed I got to light one/ all these niggas i got to fight one/all these hoes i got to like one....'- Biggie..gotta love it

Quote of the Day: " ..Cause I am a hater. I hate on my momma, shit, I even hate on myself sometimes''- this guy. hilarious

Newest Obsession: Sensation and Perception-Psy 315...Crazy in Love

Random: Time sure goes by fast..its march

Yeah shoot me...I haven't written in a long time.
Here are the updates:

1. New Job thats very taxing
2. Fallen in love all over again...(who knows why?)
3. The most stress i've ever endured in my whole entire life
4. Still Un-decked (if you will) out apartment
5. Need my hair the worst way
6. Dropped my Y chromosome
7. My future's looking real bright

more to come

Friday, January 20, 2006

Celebrations of Birthdays Past

Song of the Day: Oh I think they like me (remix with JD) '...we young...we fly...and we gon' stay flashy til the day we die...) shouts out to JD. I went to his restaurant last night...and it was actually for they hooked me up on the food and dessert on the birthday tip...good lookin out

Quote of the Day: ("...And when it comes to alcohol know Im never far/Im like a stupid lawyer...cause I never pass the bar...") Main..hol up...that was part of CJ's freestyle on my wall

Newest Obsession: Iron Chef...oh shit...if you dont know about the food betta ask somebody.

Random: If this boy dont come down here this weekend its going to be Black History EARLY!

Go reesy..its your birthday. well yesterday it was. ..ok guys STORYTIME!!!

So when I was a kid it never failed the night before my birthday i could NOT sleep...i was sooo anxious. Thoughts running through my head...what was i going to get? did my mom make sure to get me my favorite red velvet cake that could ONLY come from the Red Oven Bakery?(HH you know about it)..only to be dead tired on my birthday!! to be a kid again... But lucky for me my birthday ALWAYS fell around report card time. It seemed like I could make straight a's ANYTIME...except for that last six weeks before Christmas break. So what would I do?? You guessed it..hold that damn report card until after my birthday. (my mama didnt play with C's)....But then my mama got hip to it..straight up had the report card schedule on the 'fridge. i promise i had a 3 year stint where my birthday I swear just didnt show up on the calendar. It would be like jan 17, 18, 20, 21...(no 19)...One year I even got a whooping ON MY BIRTHDAY..

so this one goes out to you mom...who didnt play NO matter what day it's to consistency

Thursday, January 05, 2006


Song of the Day: They dont know by Paul Wall ft/Bun B and Mike Jones ("Texas is the home of the playas and pimps...Third coast born...that means we're Texas raised..Texas muthafucka thats where I stay!!")

Quote of the Day: "...its coming home to Austin Texas baaabbyy" -in VINCE able...thats cute

Newest Obsession: Throat Drops ( im hoarse from last night) and Therapy ( i went through TOO many emotions watching that game

Random: Times like this I wish I had a G5 so I could fly down to Austin this weekend.

Why do Texans represent sooo hard?? Like for real...we are so serious about our country. I have yet to hear someone rep North Dakota. I think they brainwash us. Ok...

1. all the burgers in Texas are TEXAS sized burgers or have Texas somewhere in the name. 2.Texas equals Big no matter where you go.
3.We have everything we need to survive growing somewhere in our country.
4. How many times have you heard someone say that Texas people are cool?
5.We have our own lingo.
6.We have our own music and dances.
7. Our own style of food (read:
8. People usually love people from Texas....AND have a story to go with it.
9. Things that happen in the US dont effect us (i.e. Columbine)
10. We are friendly as hell.
11. I mean other than the Jasper incident we're all around a great place to be.
12. One of the US mint factories lives no need to worry about money.
13. I mean our president came from there. He might not be the smartest...but he's can't lie about that he was fine back in the day (like thats important).

God lives in Texas...i mean its the only place big enough to hold Him and all His glory. Can you imagine my Jesus living in an itty bitty studio apartment in Manhattan....I think not