Friday, January 20, 2006

Celebrations of Birthdays Past

Song of the Day: Oh I think they like me (remix with JD) '...we young...we fly...and we gon' stay flashy til the day we die...) shouts out to JD. I went to his restaurant last night...and it was actually for they hooked me up on the food and dessert on the birthday tip...good lookin out

Quote of the Day: ("...And when it comes to alcohol know Im never far/Im like a stupid lawyer...cause I never pass the bar...") Main..hol up...that was part of CJ's freestyle on my wall

Newest Obsession: Iron Chef...oh shit...if you dont know about the food betta ask somebody.

Random: If this boy dont come down here this weekend its going to be Black History EARLY!

Go reesy..its your birthday. well yesterday it was. ..ok guys STORYTIME!!!

So when I was a kid it never failed the night before my birthday i could NOT sleep...i was sooo anxious. Thoughts running through my head...what was i going to get? did my mom make sure to get me my favorite red velvet cake that could ONLY come from the Red Oven Bakery?(HH you know about it)..only to be dead tired on my birthday!! to be a kid again... But lucky for me my birthday ALWAYS fell around report card time. It seemed like I could make straight a's ANYTIME...except for that last six weeks before Christmas break. So what would I do?? You guessed it..hold that damn report card until after my birthday. (my mama didnt play with C's)....But then my mama got hip to it..straight up had the report card schedule on the 'fridge. i promise i had a 3 year stint where my birthday I swear just didnt show up on the calendar. It would be like jan 17, 18, 20, 21...(no 19)...One year I even got a whooping ON MY BIRTHDAY..

so this one goes out to you mom...who didnt play NO matter what day it's to consistency

Thursday, January 05, 2006


Song of the Day: They dont know by Paul Wall ft/Bun B and Mike Jones ("Texas is the home of the playas and pimps...Third coast born...that means we're Texas raised..Texas muthafucka thats where I stay!!")

Quote of the Day: "...its coming home to Austin Texas baaabbyy" -in VINCE able...thats cute

Newest Obsession: Throat Drops ( im hoarse from last night) and Therapy ( i went through TOO many emotions watching that game

Random: Times like this I wish I had a G5 so I could fly down to Austin this weekend.

Why do Texans represent sooo hard?? Like for real...we are so serious about our country. I have yet to hear someone rep North Dakota. I think they brainwash us. Ok...

1. all the burgers in Texas are TEXAS sized burgers or have Texas somewhere in the name. 2.Texas equals Big no matter where you go.
3.We have everything we need to survive growing somewhere in our country.
4. How many times have you heard someone say that Texas people are cool?
5.We have our own lingo.
6.We have our own music and dances.
7. Our own style of food (read:
8. People usually love people from Texas....AND have a story to go with it.
9. Things that happen in the US dont effect us (i.e. Columbine)
10. We are friendly as hell.
11. I mean other than the Jasper incident we're all around a great place to be.
12. One of the US mint factories lives no need to worry about money.
13. I mean our president came from there. He might not be the smartest...but he's can't lie about that he was fine back in the day (like thats important).

God lives in Texas...i mean its the only place big enough to hold Him and all His glory. Can you imagine my Jesus living in an itty bitty studio apartment in Manhattan....I think not

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Hello 2006!!

Song of the Day: Gotta Go by Trey Songz (" and I really wish I could.. stay a lil bit longer you a lil bit stronger...and go a lil deeper.......")...I LOOOVVEE his voice. I really hope he has a good career.

Quote of the Day: "Draped up and Dripped out you know what im talking 'bout?"...I love Texas something serious

Newest Obession: Money..gotta have it

Random: I think Beyonce should do something different for a while. Ya'll know thats my ninja, but im growing tired of seeing her shake her ass. Maybe she should go neo-soul.

Well. Its a new year. No resolutions this year. Just really to do the damn thing. I really feel good about this year. I know people say that every year..but I really feel good about this year. It already started out pretty good, so im just going to assume that was an omen of how the rest of the year is going to be.

(random) why was the AUC in Chicago for New Years?

Anyway...I hope everyone had a blessed New Years and that it pours into the rest of your year!