Thursday, July 26, 2007

Being Worth your Weight in Gold

Song of the Day: "you should be honored by my lateness, that i would even show up to this fake sh*t" -Stronger by Kanye West (you gotta love a Kanye record, when you need confidence, he's the go to guy)

Quote of the Day: "It's going well..I woke up in quite the great mood for someone w/ a slight case of blue balls.." (this after I asked "how's your day?"

Newest Obsession: Getting a new body. I mean I want it all. The boobs, the butt, and the small waist..before 25

Random Thought: Why does tragedy make you wanna get your life together?

Lately I've been evaluating my life and the decisions I made. I pride myself on living a life with no regrets but every now and then I have to be real with myself and just go over my situation. Thats where I am right now. This move to New York has really opened my eyes in how much I need to learn and grow. Some people look at my life and think that I have it good. Of course people always think that the grass is greener on the other side. I am very fortunate for the experiences and the blessings in my life thus far, but right now is the real test. This is real life and this bitch aint a joke. Now is the time for me to show that im capable of swimming and not sinking.

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Waiting to Exhale

Song of the Day: Read a Book by ? "read a book read a mutha&^%# book!" -that shit is hiLARIOUS and whats EXTRA tragic is it might just be genius.

Newest Obession: Getting my life together. One day at a time.

Random: The Adobe Salad at Eatery is yummy

Todays blog is simple:

Quote of Day:

Grant me the serenity
to accept the things
I cannot change,
the courage to change
the things I can,
and the wisdom to
know the difference


Thursday, July 19, 2007

Guess Who's Bizzack?

Song of the day: You Pick (I don't know)

Quote of the day: "Don't let your particulars affect your familiars"- somebody got game

Newest Obsession: Getting it. Period.

Random: I want to go to Miami

Well. Im back. Being in this city makes me wanna get my Sarah Jessica Parker on. So far im loving it. I got the most official start in life history. One friend referred to me as a 'matchpoint bitch' (you have to see the movie)..I might call it favor. I mean six months equals 25..gotta get it tight and right.

Any updates:
other than moving..nothing

Today was just an introduction back into the blogging scene. Im getting back in the game
Hallelujah Hollaback...i love that!!