Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Innocence Revisted

Song of the Day: Unpredicatable by Jamie Foxx (I know you're use to dinner and a movie.....Why not be my dinner....while makin a movie...) I think I found a brand new appreciation for Jamie Foxx. Think about it. This is the same man played 'Wanda' on in Living Color...'Wanda' ya'll....'Wanda' he has an oscar. Plus he can sing...I LOOOOOve his voice. He was on Oprah yesterday. Catch the was a good interview. Oprah and Jamie have crushes on each other...its soooo obvious

Quote of the Day: 'I don't know what "chitterlings" are. However, we did not have chitlins this year... Get it right. ...'- a man by the name of Jarrod Loadholt gave this response after I requested some left over 'Chitterlings'.

Newest Obsession: ANYTHING that remotely has ANYTHING to do with ANYTHING sexual. Be it a toy, a joke, a comment, a look....(im so horny ya'll :..()

I remember my first crush. ooo wee! it was so intense. Devvin Markell Anderson. (This was during my yellow boy with 'good' hair phase). I was in 5th grade, he was in 8th grade. I remember the first day he came to church. He had the lil Kris-Kross box braid thingys...soo sexy (lol). I mean, I was gone in the head. He eventually joined the church and ill be honest between summer '95 until about winter ' sole reason to go to church was to see him, he could have even been my reason to go to the high school I went to (thats sad)....I mean I couldnt talk around him..damn near wouldnt breathe. I mean if he said jump...I probably would have been like 'whenwherewhattimehow' It was like an out of body experience. But it felt sooo good. I remember one day we were doing nursery duty...and I was holding a tray with little cups of juice for the kids for after naptime. He came around the corner with somebody and I fell and bust my ass, spilling juice everywhere...why? .....cause of HIM. I dont think ive never been that embarrassed in my whole entire life. I wanted to fall off the face of the earth at the tender age of 11.

I said all of this because i was having a walk down childhood lane when things were so simple. And a crush was a crush. It wasnt 'i wanna fuck'....just the innocence of everything. So I want everybody just to take time and think about the good times you had when you were a child and try to maintain some of that child like nature in this crazy world. Have a good day


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