Tuesday, December 13, 2005


Song of the Day: ?

Quote of the Day: " Quit playing yourself dawg...she's outta your league"- one of my managers at Niketown told my co-worker that about me. Im still trying to figure out how I feel about that statement.

Newest Obsession: Sleep. I realized that I work 7 days a week..literally. im 'leepy

I had a hard time going to sleep last night because my thoughts were going a million miles per hour. Here I was in the comfort of my own home, setting my alarm to wake up tomorrow to start my day, and on the other coast there was a man waiting to die. I had to think to myself what that has to feel like to know you are about to die in a couple of hours. The emotions going through your body and mind. Today at work one of my co-workers asked me if I supported him. I was a little thrown off #1 Because I didnt expect anyone to ask me that #2 Because he was of another ethnicity.

I decided not to answer the question because it is a very sensitive topic. A part of me felt like I should have had the discussion, but I just didnt want to go there early in the morning. Do I think he should have died? No. Honestly because he is black. Now thats not the only reason why but that is most of it. I dont know much about the man. And from my understanding they didnt really have proof that he did it, other than eyewitness testimony, and one witness said they were coerced into testifying again him. The guys stepmother really wanted him dead. That isnt going to bring your stepson back. Whats done is done. I do believe he should have gotten life in prision. The man became an anti-gang/violence advocate. I believe people do change. Would he have changed if he wasn't in prision? we will never know. But now Tookie is facing his judgement, and I pray that if his heart was truly sincere, that God lets him in the gate.


Blogger enigma said...

Da upper roooooooommmmm.... when Jeeeeesssssuuuuusssss...lol

8:37 PM  

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