Friday, December 09, 2005

Self Realizations

Song of the Day: Getcha Shit Together by TI feat Lil Kim (..if you aint getting money good night...i know what a broke nigga look like...when you ridin' in ya wheels.. getcha shit together...boy them diamonds aint real..getcha shit together)...damn lil Kim, get straight to the point why dontcha?

Quote of the Day: (throwback edition) "Queen, do you put ketchup on EVERYTHING"- my little brother when he was 3, he's now 11 with a deep voice (cries) And yes, i made him refer to me as Queen...and he still does. (lol)

Newest Obsession: Liquor. Thats right. This weekend im getting my party ON!!! Long Island..HERE I COME!!

As some of you might know I decided on Psychology as a major. Not because I necessarily wanted to be a psychologist, but because there wasn't anything else at Spelman I wanted to major in. (thats a damn shame) Anyway, we learned about a man by the name of Abraham Maslow. This man came up with the idea of Maslows Hierarchy of Needs, which basically is a theory that people have 5 levels that they are trying to obtain in life, and that you cant go to the next level without completely satisfying the previous level.

Here they are in the order from bottom to the top

1. Physiologicalm (water, air, food)
2. Safety (self explanitory)
3. Love and Belonging (not necessarily sex, just a general feeling of someone caring about you and belonging, be it at work, school, organizations, family...)
4. Esteem (self respect and beign respected by others, basically)
5. Self Actualization (becoming totally comfortable in who you are)

Some say that most people never reach self actualization. Damn.

Anyway here are some things im noticing about myself as of late.

1. Im very stubborn..but not in an aggressive kinda way
2. Most of the time its my way or the highway....again not in an aggressive kinda way
3. I like sleep
4. I think about sex more than I should
5. Since college I have become a lil bit meaner...or more real?? hmm...
6. Im more conservative that liberal
7. I can act funny sometimes
8. Im still spoiled mentally

thats all for sure theres more...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

maslow's hierarchy of needs ... that took me back. i remember seemingly nothing of what i learned in undergrad - somewhere in my long-term memory, i guess.

6:25 PM  

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